Yi-Bing Chu Concert & Cocktail Party


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Yi-Bing Chu Concert & Cocktail Party

"Sunset on Heartstrings" 

Yi-Bing Chu Music Concert 

朱亦兵"日落心弦"音乐会 + 酒会

Point Space invites the renowned cellist, Mr. Yi-Bing Chu to present a private concert, "Sunset Heartstrings,"  a cello performance at the moment of sunset. Guests will not only be able to enjoy the mellifluous sounds of the cello but also have the opportunity for up-close interaction with the artist and to listen to the stories behind the music. Let the beauty of art arrive naturally, following one's heart, feelings, and serendipity.

Point Space特别邀请著名大提琴艺术家朱亦兵先生举办“日落心弦” 音乐会,呈现一场在黄昏日落时分举行的大提琴演奏。享受大提琴的悠扬之声,更有机会与艺术家近距离交流,聆听音乐背后的故事。

Date 日期: February 17th,2月17日 (Saturday 周六) 
Time 时间: 3:00 PM check-in 
Champagne Toast 知音酒会(提供美酒与轻食): 3:00 – 4:00 PM
Concert 音乐演奏会: 4:10 - 5:30 PM
Venue 地点: Point Space San Marino, 980 Huntington Dr. San Marino

The $128 membership is a special package that is available only through referral. 

Ticket includes:

• A curated cello salon concert by Yi-Bing Chu 
• Interactive session with cellist Yi-Bing Chu 
• Selected light snacks and beverages for a dual sensory delight
• 2024 Point Space Membership Benefits 
(see full details at the end) 


• 精心策划的朱亦兵大提琴演奏沙龙音乐会

• 与大提琴艺术家朱亦兵的互动交流会

• 精选轻食与酒水,享受听觉与味觉的双重愉悦
• 2024年 Point Space 会员权益

Limited to 80 music enthusiasts


Selected Program


1. 巴赫  《G大调第一号无伴奏大提琴组曲》

Bach  Unaccompanied  Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major

I.  前奏曲 Prélude

II. 阿勒曼舞曲 Allemande

III. 库朗舞曲 Courante

IV. 萨拉班德舞曲 Sarabande

V. Menuet I & II

VI.吉格舞曲 Gigue

2. 卡萨多 《大提琴无伴奏组曲-幻想序曲》

Cassadó  Suite for Cello Solo“Prelude & Fantasia”

3. 巴赫  《G弦上的咏叹调》

Bach  Air on the G String

4. ⻉多芬 《致爱丽丝》

Beethoven  For Elise

5. ⽪克⾟古⾳纳 《⼩调》

Pixiuguinha  Carinhoso 

6. 卢兹亚 《坦普尔》

Lucia  Tempul 

7. 沙汉昆《牧歌》

Sha Hankun   Eclogue

8. 史蒂芬·夏普·尼尔森《巴赫第一组曲变奏曲-大提琴之歌》   

Steven Sharp Nelson  Bach-The Cello Song 

演奏者 Cellists:

朱亦兵 Yi-Bing Chu  

董潇 Xiao Dong  

宋昊洋Anthony Song  

徐北霖Benjamin Xu 

蔡瑞哲David Tsai 

Artist Bio

Yi-Bing Chu was professor at Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Dance de Paris. He is the first professor of chinese nationality since the establishment of this famous institution in 1795. Last pupil of the legendary french master cellist Maurice Gendron, Chu was the first Chinese cellist ever to win a prize in a major international Cello competition. He served as principal cellist in Basel Symphony Orchestra, Switzerland between 1989-2004, Chu Yi-Bing was also guest principal cellist of Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra in Munich, Germany.


Audience Courtesy Notice

To ensure an immersive and enjoyable experience for all our guests and performers, we kindly ask for your cooperation with the following guidelines during the concert:

  1. Dress Code: Classic Comfort. 

  2. Arrival Punctuality: Please be seated before 3:45 PM as concerts typically start on time. Latecomers may need to enter at specific times, such as during intermission, to avoid disturbing other attendees and performers. 

  3. Age Restriction: The minimum age for attendees is 21 years old. 

  4. Please set your mobile devices to silent mode during the performance. We encourage you to remain in your seat during the performance. This helps minimize distractions and allows everyone to fully engage with the music. Your consideration enhances the experience for everyone. 演出过程中手机全程维持静音,请勿走动,维持场内安静环,以获得最佳体验。

About Point Space

Point Space hosts a series of events for our real state clients, encompassing business forums, technology expos, art and cultural exhibitions, and classical music concerts. Point Space is not just a shared space; it is also a second home for immigrant entrepreneurs, allowing individuals from all walks of life to collectively explore boundless possibilities for the future.

Point Space为房地产的会员举办一系列的活动,涵盖商业论坛、科技展会、艺术文化展览、古典音乐会。Point Space不仅是一个共享空间,更是移民企业家的第二故乡,与各界人士共同探索未来的无限可能性。

Point Space Membership

The membership benefits at Point Space are designed to provide exclusive access and opportunities to its clients. Here are what a Point Space Membership could offer:

  1. Exclusive Invitations to Events: Members receive priority invitations to business forums, technology expos, art and cultural exhibitions, and classical music concerts. 

  2. Networking Opportunities: With a focus on building a community of immigrant entrepreneurs and professionals from various sectors, Point Space provides ample opportunities for members to connect, share ideas, and collaborate on new ventures. 
    人脉拓展机会:Point Space所有会员都需要通过内部邀请制入会 (by referral only) 。由此构建一个涵盖各行各业的杰出移民企业家的精英社区,为会员提供交流、分享以及合作机会。

  3. Workspace and Meeting Rooms: Access to flexible workspaces and meeting rooms within Point Space facilities. These spaces are designed to cater to the needs of professionals and entrepreneurs, equipped with the latest technology and amenities.
    工作空间和会议室:会员可使用Point Space设施内的灵活工作空间和会议室。这些空间配备最新技术和便利设施,促进商务洽谈。

  4. Educational Workshops and Seminars: Members can participate in a variety of workshops and seminars focused on real estate, technology, business development, and cultural topics. 

  5. Discounts and Perks: Members enjoy discounts on event tickets, services, and products offered by Point Space and its partners. 
    折扣和特权:会员可享受Point Space及其合作伙伴提供的活动门票、服务和产品的折扣。


報名 結束
2024年2月17日 星期六
下午3:00 下午5:30 (America/Los_Angeles)



Point Space San Marino

980 Huntington Dr
San Marino CA 91108
--Point Space San Marino--



Point Space

